Spiritual Letter 9 - Outline & Summary Version About Spiritual Letter 9 Title: "The Theme Is Freedom" Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. M. Stanton Evans, a writer of books Month originally written: During the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan (12, 2001)
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. May all the peace and peacefulness of God be upon us all. Outline & Summary of Spiritual Letter heart into heaven, into the kingdom of God within us, is allowing Adam (peace be upon Him) within us to recover from His fall God finishes what He has started within each of us, if we will but let Him, if we will but join Him properly for our age to do this divine work within us, for "as it came so it will return", and the Power or Wilayah of God within us has become the Essence or Dhat of God within us, revealing the Form or Sifat of the Creation of God within us, which in truth is each of us, so now we must join with God within us to reveal the Dhat or Essence of God within us, within the Sifat or Form of Creation of God within each of us,and then join with True Man within us to reveal the Wilayah or Power of God within the Dhat or Essence of God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and True Man within us. There is no other way to reach God, to become the Oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God. of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within man (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him), is the chosen Messenger of God within each of us, is our true destiny, our true birth right, our true heritage, is God's work within us, using the 4 religions of God within us, the 4 paths of spiritual development that lie hidden within each of us, one within the other, the 4 paths that only True Man within us can walk, as the soul or purity, as wisdom or as the direct connection with God, as the ilm or divine knowledge of God, and as the Oneness of God and True Man the reflection of God's duty in this world, with the next world being hidden within this world when this world was revealed from within the next world, and this world being hidden within the next world when the next world is revealed from within this world, and in this way this world and the next world are one, as God and True Man are One, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it as one hides itself within the one being revealed the face of God, is God having completed His duty within us, is God having repeatedly used His 4 religions within us to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us by repeatedly subjecting it to the same process, the 5 processes associated with the 5 elements which everything contains, of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, and in this way, by gradually revealing the tea kettle hidden within the iron context of no change, is man in the context of the Creation of God to finish making His Tea Kettle, for God to finish what God has started with each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God happening" in our life everything else, everything but man stays as it was Created by God work within you, so True Man can finish His work within God within you joined as "one with" God, but man must do this divine work before dies transform the Creation of God within you into True Man within you, and becoming a skilled craftman in God's Work Shop, is transforming the Creation of True Man within you into the Oneness of God and True Man Disciple within us, is transforming the Sifat or form of Creation within us, into the Sirr or secret world of Creation hidden within the Siffat of Creation within us, and then into the Dhat or secret world of Allah hidden within the Sirr of Creation within us, which is like transforming the fruit, into its juice, and finally into its taste, and in this way revealing True Man within God and God within True man, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, revealing the Power within the Essence of Everything, revealing the Wilayah or Power of God 47. The Sound of God - is the one becoming the three, and the three becoming the one, three times spiral of God, and we are at the end of the last, the second spiral of God the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) age before we die, not trying to get into a personal heaven, or living here until we die
Text of Spiritual Letter 31. The Transformation of The Creation of God Into True Man - is changing our heart into heaven, into the kingdom of God within us, is allowing Adam (peace be upon Him) within us to recover from His fall
So these are the 4 religions that God repeatedly passes His Creation through, until True Man comes out at the other end, and God does all of this work inside each of our hearts, not outside of us.
So what can be said about the cycles of God, about the multiple cycles of the 4 religions that transforms the Creation of God into True Man, that transforms our heart into the kingdom of God? Or specifically, how many cycles through the 4 religions does it take to produce a True Man, does it take to produce the kingdom of God?
We propose that it takes three cycles to complete what God is doing within each of us, for the following reasons. 32. The Three Cycles of God - the power within the essence of everything
Each of the four religions speaks of the Trinity or Triple Flame of God. For example, there is the Christian Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Islamic Triple Flame of Alif, Laam, and Meem.
Also, in the more mystical writing of the four religions the Trinity or Triple Flame of God is also described in many different ways. For example, there is the Sufi Triple Flame of the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat, and in the teaching of His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) there is the Triple Flame of God as the Power within the Essence of Everything, as Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen.
Therefore, it is proposed that the concept of the Triple Flame or Trinity of God spoken of in all of the 4 religions reflects the number of passes that God makes through the 4 religions of God, in the process of transforming the Creation of God into True Man, of transforming our closed heart into the open heart of God, into the kingdom of God. 33. The Enemy of The Soul - is each of "us" in our current state, is man in the state of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within man
For this reason, we propose that there are three cycles of God through the 4 religions, in order to complete what God has started within man, and what God has started within each of us is to place the Seed of Himself, which is our soul, into the Form of Himself which is Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him), which is our original Father, and add to it the Consciousness of Himself which is wisdom, which is just waiting to be awakened by the words of God for this age, the words of His Holiness, to battle with the enemy of our soul, which is our life of separation and differences living in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us. 34. The Heart of God Reflected In The Face of God Is True Man - is Muhammad, is the Messenger of God (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him)
And in this way, through the three cycles of the 4 religions of God, True Man is revealed from within the Creation of God, man becomes the reflection of the heart of God in the face of God, man becomes True Man, man becomes the face and the heart of God, man becomes Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him). 35. True Man Is The Reflection of God In The Next World - and the four religions are the reflection of God's duty in this world
In this way, man is the reflection of God, not the religions, when God has successfully transformed man into His reflection, using His 4 religions, using them three times, passing through His 4 religions that are like a circle three times, and each time spiraling upward, moving man as the creation of God back up into the oneness of God, and in this way, revealing True Man within the Creation of God, and God within True Man, and finally revealing God and True Man as One, and True Man and God as One, finally revealing the oneness of God and True Man. 36. The True Meaning of Muhammad Is True Man - is the heart of God reflected in the face of God, is God having completed His duty within us, is God having repeatedly used His 4 religions within us to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us And in the process transforming man into His Reflection, into His Heart reflected in His Face, for when God has transformed man into the Heart and Face of God, man becomes True Man, which in the Islamic tradition is what is meant by the term Muhammad, the muham and the aham, the face and the heart of God, the beauty of Allah's countenance, or the beauty of the heart reflected in the face.
And in this way, the religions of God are the circle of God, how God stirs His pot, and man is the spiral of God, how God moves His Creation, which in truth is Him ready to Happen, from one pot to the next pot, unto all that is left is God within God, is the oneness of God and True Man, which is God. 37. How God Makes A Tea Kettle - - by transforming the iron into something of value by repeatedly subjecting it to the same process, the 5 processes associated with the 5 elements which everything contains, of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, and in this way, by gradually revealing the tea kettle hidden within the iron
In this way, God does the work, takes stock of the outcome, adjusts things accordingly, and then does the work again, like putting a piece of iron repeatedly into the fire, beating on it for a while, and then putting it back into the water, to strengthen it, repeating this process over and over again, until a beautiful sword emerges, or a horse shoe emerges, or a tea kettle emerges, until a finished product is produced, until the raw material is transformed into something of value.
But each time the iron is put back into the same fire, and is beat on by the same hammer, and is then put back into the same water, it has changed, because the only thing that can change in this process is the piece of iron, everything else stays the same, even the blacksmith, and the shop of the blacksmith. 38. The Difference Between A Spiral And A Circle - is the process of change in the context of no change, is man in the context of the Creation of God
This is also like the difference between a circle and a spiral, the circle repeating itself again and again without any change, while the spiral repeats the circle but with significant change, as it rises upward, always moving upward as it moves around the same circle, never truly being the same with each revolution around the cycle, each time it starts to go around the circle again, it has changed, having changed because of its last revolution around the circle. 39. God Is Ready, And We Are Ready - for God to take another pass at it, for God to finish making His Tea Kettle, for God to finish what God has started with each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God
If this be so, as it is proposed, then the 4 religions are but a glimpse of this larger order of God, a glimpse of what God repeatedly does in order to complete His intention, to finish what He has started, making a pass at it three times, each time producing something new, each time subjecting the results of His last pass at it to another pass at it, repeatedly trying to reveal Himself within Himself, by repeatedly trying to reveal True Man within His Creation.
And like the spiral, having completed one pass at it, God takes stock of what has been accomplished, makes the necessary adjustments, and then God moves on, to make another pass at it, but always benefiting from the previous pass at it, always adjusting things accordingly, always moving upward or forward as He moves around the same circle again.
And my dearest loving brother, God is ready to do it again, in our age, to go around His circle again, for the last time, and we are ready to be what God uses to do it again, to finish what He has started and moved forward twice already within us, and His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is what God has sent to us in this age to make us ready to join God in His divine work. This is our destiny, our birthright, of the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). 40. The Real Questions of Life - is, "who are we", "where are we", and "what is really happening" in our life
This is who we are, and this is where we are, and this is what is happening in our life, in all life, my dearest loving brother, within our very own hearts, not anything that we see as happening "outside" of us, not the endless drama of separation and differences that we see acted out on the state of the 4 religions, and on the state of wife and family and friends and lovers, or in the arena of jobs and accomplishments, or in the idea of a shrinking country, and world, and an expanding universe. May we both reflect on this a little. It is very important. 41. The Only Thing That Changes Is Man - not God and not the Creation of God, everything else, everything but man stays as it was Created by God
And in this process, God has not changed, nor has the circle changed, but what moves around the circle has changed, from the last time it went around the circle.
And what moves around the circle has become more like God, has become more like the oneness that is God, and less like the Creation of God, less like the ignorant separation that is the Creation of God, then less like the arrogant separation that is the fire of God, then less like the ignorant or selfish love that is the air of God, and finally more and more like the oneness of God that is the true love, the selfless love of God, that is the Light of God. 42. The Work of God Is Man - and the work of Man is God, so let God finish His work within you, so True Man can finish His work within God within you
And in this way God moves Himself upward, starting as His Creation, then as Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him), then as Eve (may the blessings of God be upon Her), as the 124,000 Prophets of God which is the Crown of Adam in the first heaven, and then as Muhammad or True Man, and finally as the Oneness of God and True Man.
In this way, God moves Himself as man through His 4 religions 3 times, moving around His unchanging circle 3 times while moving up His changing spiral 3 times, until He has revealed True Man within Himself, and True Man reveals God within Himself, and in this way God reveals Himself within Himself, God returns to Himself, God completes His journey from the Creation of God to God, God again become One with Himself, God again reveals the oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God.
This is the work of God and man, my dearest loving brother, only this, this is the divine work of God and man , nothing else that we may ascribe to God or man in our ignorance of God or man, of what God does and what True Man does, and of how God does it, and how True Man does it. 43. Religion Is What God Does, Not Man - and God is what Man does, not religion
In this way, religion is what God does, not man. Religion is the duty and work of God, of God revealing True Man, of God revealing True Man within His Creation, and God is what man does, is True Man becoming God, of True Man revealing God within True Man, is True Man revealing the Oneness of God within True Man, and disappearing into that Oneness, as a little light disappears into a large light, becoming that Oneness, revealing that Oneness, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, which is God.
This is what God does, the work of the 4 religions repeated three times, the work of True Man happening within the Creation of God, this is the work in process of God, the work that moves forward as True Man happening within the Creation of God, within the Creation of God which in truth is but God having hidden Himself within Himself, so He can then reveal Himself within Himself, for the benefit of all of the Creations of God. 44. Hell Is The Work of Man "Separated From" God - and heaven is the work of Man joined as "one with" God, but man must do this divine work before dies
This is what God does, reveals True Man within His Creation within Him, not build a place where we can live near Him but separate from Him that we call heaven, that we call our private heaven which in death becomes God's public hell.
This is what God does, joins with True Man within Him to reveal God within True Man, not pass judgement on us, not rule over us. This is not what God does.
It is we who build hell, when we live separate from God, not heaven. It is we who build the place were we can live near God but separate from Him, not God, and then move into that place when we die. And that is our judgment, not anything God does to us, and in this way we give birth to the things that rule over us, our evil qualities, and our evil karmic deeds. We do all of this to ourselves, not God.
This is our work separate from God, this is our life in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, that in death becomes the suffering of our grave, and in the hereafter becomes our hell. This is what we do to ourselves if we don't join with God in what He is doing within us. What a bummer this life that we call our own. We must think about this a little, my dearest loving brother. 45. Becoming An Apprentice In God's Blacksmith Shop - is allowing God to transform the Creation of God within you into True Man within you, and becoming a skilled craftsman in God's Work Shop, is transforming the Creation of True Man within you into the Oneness of God and True Man
My dearest loving brother, we must start to learn about the work of God, and join with God in His work, that is the only successful completion to our life in the world.
We must begin to understand what God repeatedly does within the contexts of the 4 religions of God, which are like the water, the fire, the anvil, and the hammer of God, and each time God passes His Creation through the 4 religions, man becoming less of God's creation and God becoming more of True Man, until finally they meet within the Oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God. 46. The Work of The Triple Flame of God Within Us - of God, the Shaikh, and the Disciple within us, is transforming the Sifat or form of Creation within us, into the Sirr or secret world of Creation hidden within the Siffat of Creation within us, and then into the Dhat or secret world of Allah hidden within the Sirr of Creation within us
And in this way, with each journey around the circle of the 4 religions, man moves from the Form of Creation, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the Sifat of God's Creation, to the Secret hidden within God's Creation, which in Islam is the Sirr of God's Creation, ending finally as the Dhat or Essence of God, and in this way revealing True Man within God and God within True man, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, revealing the Power within the Essence of Everything, revealing the Wilayah or Power of God.
It is this Triple Flame of God within us, this - Dhat, Sirr, and Sifat - that is the path of God, for "as it came so it must return", becoming as it returns - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, is the Nur Muhammad within us, the light of our wisdom, the body of our soul, the seed of Iman, the seed of True man, which when they become One is True Man within God and God within True Man, is Allah Muhammad, is the seed of Islam, the seed of God.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. 47. The Sound of God - is the one becoming the three, and the three becoming the one, three times
His Holiness teaches us that this is the sound of God, the sound of the Three becoming the One and the One becoming the Three, three times, transforming the Nur Muhammad, the true consciousness of man as Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him), before the fall of Adam, as the seed of True Man or True Faith in God, into Allah Muhammad, the consciousness of man as True Man, as the seed of God or Islam, of the Oneness of God and True Man.
What a wonder, my dearest loving brothers, and all this is hidden within each of us, as a mighty oak tree is hidden within a tiny acorn. 48. The Second Proposal - we are at the beginning of the next, the third and final spiral of God, and we are at the end of the last, the second spiral of God
With all of this said, let us propose that the time period of God's circle is 2000 years, is the time it takes for God to move man through the four religions once, and within our frame of reference this circle of God has already occurred twice, once during the time of Abraham (2000 BC to 0 BC), and once during the time of Jesus (0 AD to 2000 AD), it has occurred twice.
It has twice moved through the four religions of God, through the blacksmith's shop, through the earth, the water, the fire, the air, and the ether or colors of God's workshop, through the four ways of being with God - as His Creation, as a life lived separate from Him, as a life striving to become one with Him, and as a life lived as one with Him, it has twice moved through the four main religions of - Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam (and Judiasm).
Further, let us propose that since this circle of the four religions has gone around twice, and has moved upwards twice, and since the work of God is not done, which is reflected in the world that we see, this circle of God moving upward or this spiral of God, is ready to occur again. 49. We Are The Stuff of God's Effort - the result of God's work for 200 million years, the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
And even more importantly for us, what is ready to enter into this blacksmith's shop of God again, to be worked on by God again, to bring it to its final completion this time, which is the Oneness of God and True Man, is us, is you and I my dearest loving brother. What a blessing from God to be born in this age.
We must realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth of our lives, which has nothing to do with the drama of the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, that has only to do with the condition of our hearts.
What we in this age represent is like nothing that has ever appeared on this earth before, is the product of all of the work that God has been doing for almost 200 million years, which is the time it takes to go around the circle of God two times, is the fruits of His labors, which is us, which is all of the Children of God living in this age, in this period of time known as 2000 AD, in this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). What a wonder is this God of ours, and what a wonder are His Children. 50. Our True Heritage, Our True Birthright - is becoming the Children of God for this age
In this way, let us propose that rather than being at the end of what God is doing, as is normally the position taken, we in truth are at the end of what God did, in His last pass at it, having maximally benefited from it, having taken it all into consideration, and having then reflecting what He has done, what He has accomplished in His previous pass at it, in us, in His Children, in the Children of God for this age, which is us.
And as such, we are at the beginning of the next spiral of God, the next circle of God that moves upwards, at God's next and final pass at it, of God finally completing His intention, of God finishing finally what He has started, within each of us, within in each of our hearts, nearly 200 million years ago.
Such is our heritage, my dearest loving brother, such is our birthright, and if we but join with God in this grand endeavor, to but let God finish it off within us, then we will be victorious in our life, we will have used our wisdom to reason over our fate.
But if we don't, if we hesitate for some unknown reason, to join in partnership with God, and make His struggle our struggle, make His intention our intention, make His life our life, because of some attachment that we may have to some external religion, or race, or place, or group, to family, wife, children, mother or father, friends, belief, to country, town, accomplishment, duty, or understanding, to some aspect of the earth, fire, water, air, and ether that our physical body is make out of, if we fail to grasp the brass ring of our life, if we doubt it in any way, if we place our trust in anything other than God, then we are out.
Then our life will be of no more value than the apple seed that fails to germinate, and we will die in our mind and desire, and rot in separations and differences, and be absorbed into hell, which is nothing more and nothing less than, an eternal of our temporary life, of living in the house for eternity that we have build during our temporary stay in the world, breaking forever our direct connection to God, which is our soul, to the story of True Man within God, and the story of God within True Man, that we were placed within God, to join with God, tell. For remember, 3 strikes and you are out.
In this way, we can think of God's 3 Passes, at completing what He Has started within each of us, within His Creation, in the following way:
.........Pass 1......................................Pass 2..................................Pass 3......... 2000 BC - O BC/AD...................... 0 AD - 2000 AD.................2000 AD - 4000 AD ............or.............................................or..........................................or............. Abraham to Jesus........................... Jesus to (?)............................(?) to (?).........
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Spiritual Letter 9 - Outline & Summary Version About Spiritual Letter 9 Title: "The Theme Is Freedom" Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. M. Stanton Evans, a writer of books Month originally written: During the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan (12, 2001)
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. May all the peace and peacefulness of God be upon us all. Outline & Summary of Spiritual Letter heart into heaven, into the kingdom of God within us, is allowing Adam (peace be upon Him) within us to recover from His fall God finishes what He has started within each of us, if we will but let Him, if we will but join Him properly for our age to do this divine work within us, for "as it came so it will return", and the Power or Wilayah of God within us has become the Essence or Dhat of God within us, revealing the Form or Sifat of the Creation of God within us, which in truth is each of us, so now we must join with God within us to reveal the Dhat or Essence of God within us, within the Sifat or Form of Creation of God within each of us,and then join with True Man within us to reveal the Wilayah or Power of God within the Dhat or Essence of God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and True Man within us. There is no other way to reach God, to become the Oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God. of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within man (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him), is the chosen Messenger of God within each of us, is our true destiny, our true birth right, our true heritage, is God's work within us, using the 4 religions of God within us, the 4 paths of spiritual development that lie hidden within each of us, one within the other, the 4 paths that only True Man within us can walk, as the soul or purity, as wisdom or as the direct connection with God, as the ilm or divine knowledge of God, and as the Oneness of God and True Man the reflection of God's duty in this world, with the next world being hidden within this world when this world was revealed from within the next world, and this world being hidden within the next world when the next world is revealed from within this world, and in this way this world and the next world are one, as God and True Man are One, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it as one hides itself within the one being revealed the face of God, is God having completed His duty within us, is God having repeatedly used His 4 religions within us to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us by repeatedly subjecting it to the same process, the 5 processes associated with the 5 elements which everything contains, of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, and in this way, by gradually revealing the tea kettle hidden within the iron context of no change, is man in the context of the Creation of God to finish making His Tea Kettle, for God to finish what God has started with each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God happening" in our life everything else, everything but man stays as it was Created by God work within you, so True Man can finish His work within God within you joined as "one with" God, but man must do this divine work before dies transform the Creation of God within you into True Man within you, and becoming a skilled craftman in God's Work Shop, is transforming the Creation of True Man within you into the Oneness of God and True Man Disciple within us, is transforming the Sifat or form of Creation within us, into the Sirr or secret world of Creation hidden within the Siffat of Creation within us, and then into the Dhat or secret world of Allah hidden within the Sirr of Creation within us, which is like transforming the fruit, into its juice, and finally into its taste, and in this way revealing True Man within God and God within True man, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, revealing the Power within the Essence of Everything, revealing the Wilayah or Power of God 47. The Sound of God - is the one becoming the three, and the three becoming the one, three times spiral of God, and we are at the end of the last, the second spiral of God the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) age before we die, not trying to get into a personal heaven, or living here until we die
Text of Spiritual Letter 31. The Transformation of The Creation of God Into True Man - is changing our heart into heaven, into the kingdom of God within us, is allowing Adam (peace be upon Him) within us to recover from His fall
So these are the 4 religions that God repeatedly passes His Creation through, until True Man comes out at the other end, and God does all of this work inside each of our hearts, not outside of us.
So what can be said about the cycles of God, about the multiple cycles of the 4 religions that transforms the Creation of God into True Man, that transforms our heart into the kingdom of God? Or specifically, how many cycles through the 4 religions does it take to produce a True Man, does it take to produce the kingdom of God?
We propose that it takes three cycles to complete what God is doing within each of us, for the following reasons. 32. The Three Cycles of God - the power within the essence of everything
Each of the four religions speaks of the Trinity or Triple Flame of God. For example, there is the Christian Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Islamic Triple Flame of Alif, Laam, and Meem.
Also, in the more mystical writing of the four religions the Trinity or Triple Flame of God is also described in many different ways. For example, there is the Sufi Triple Flame of the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat, and in the teaching of His Holiness Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) there is the Triple Flame of God as the Power within the Essence of Everything, as Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen.
Therefore, it is proposed that the concept of the Triple Flame or Trinity of God spoken of in all of the 4 religions reflects the number of passes that God makes through the 4 religions of God, in the process of transforming the Creation of God into True Man, of transforming our closed heart into the open heart of God, into the kingdom of God. 33. The Enemy of The Soul - is each of "us" in our current state, is man in the state of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within man
For this reason, we propose that there are three cycles of God through the 4 religions, in order to complete what God has started within man, and what God has started within each of us is to place the Seed of Himself, which is our soul, into the Form of Himself which is Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him), which is our original Father, and add to it the Consciousness of Himself which is wisdom, which is just waiting to be awakened by the words of God for this age, the words of His Holiness, to battle with the enemy of our soul, which is our life of separation and differences living in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us. 34. The Heart of God Reflected In The Face of God Is True Man - is Muhammad, is the Messenger of God (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him)
And in this way, through the three cycles of the 4 religions of God, True Man is revealed from within the Creation of God, man becomes the reflection of the heart of God in the face of God, man becomes True Man, man becomes the face and the heart of God, man becomes Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him). 35. True Man Is The Reflection of God In The Next World - and the four religions are the reflection of God's duty in this world
In this way, man is the reflection of God, not the religions, when God has successfully transformed man into His reflection, using His 4 religions, using them three times, passing through His 4 religions that are like a circle three times, and each time spiraling upward, moving man as the creation of God back up into the oneness of God, and in this way, revealing True Man within the Creation of God, and God within True Man, and finally revealing God and True Man as One, and True Man and God as One, finally revealing the oneness of God and True Man. 36. The True Meaning of Muhammad Is True Man - is the heart of God reflected in the face of God, is God having completed His duty within us, is God having repeatedly used His 4 religions within us to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us And in the process transforming man into His Reflection, into His Heart reflected in His Face, for when God has transformed man into the Heart and Face of God, man becomes True Man, which in the Islamic tradition is what is meant by the term Muhammad, the muham and the aham, the face and the heart of God, the beauty of Allah's countenance, or the beauty of the heart reflected in the face.
And in this way, the religions of God are the circle of God, how God stirs His pot, and man is the spiral of God, how God moves His Creation, which in truth is Him ready to Happen, from one pot to the next pot, unto all that is left is God within God, is the oneness of God and True Man, which is God. 37. How God Makes A Tea Kettle - - by transforming the iron into something of value by repeatedly subjecting it to the same process, the 5 processes associated with the 5 elements which everything contains, of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, and in this way, by gradually revealing the tea kettle hidden within the iron
In this way, God does the work, takes stock of the outcome, adjusts things accordingly, and then does the work again, like putting a piece of iron repeatedly into the fire, beating on it for a while, and then putting it back into the water, to strengthen it, repeating this process over and over again, until a beautiful sword emerges, or a horse shoe emerges, or a tea kettle emerges, until a finished product is produced, until the raw material is transformed into something of value.
But each time the iron is put back into the same fire, and is beat on by the same hammer, and is then put back into the same water, it has changed, because the only thing that can change in this process is the piece of iron, everything else stays the same, even the blacksmith, and the shop of the blacksmith. 38. The Difference Between A Spiral And A Circle - is the process of change in the context of no change, is man in the context of the Creation of God
This is also like the difference between a circle and a spiral, the circle repeating itself again and again without any change, while the spiral repeats the circle but with significant change, as it rises upward, always moving upward as it moves around the same circle, never truly being the same with each revolution around the cycle, each time it starts to go around the circle again, it has changed, having changed because of its last revolution around the circle. 39. God Is Ready, And We Are Ready - for God to take another pass at it, for God to finish making His Tea Kettle, for God to finish what God has started with each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God
If this be so, as it is proposed, then the 4 religions are but a glimpse of this larger order of God, a glimpse of what God repeatedly does in order to complete His intention, to finish what He has started, making a pass at it three times, each time producing something new, each time subjecting the results of His last pass at it to another pass at it, repeatedly trying to reveal Himself within Himself, by repeatedly trying to reveal True Man within His Creation.
And like the spiral, having completed one pass at it, God takes stock of what has been accomplished, makes the necessary adjustments, and then God moves on, to make another pass at it, but always benefiting from the previous pass at it, always adjusting things accordingly, always moving upward or forward as He moves around the same circle again.
And my dearest loving brother, God is ready to do it again, in our age, to go around His circle again, for the last time, and we are ready to be what God uses to do it again, to finish what He has started and moved forward twice already within us, and His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) is what God has sent to us in this age to make us ready to join God in His divine work. This is our destiny, our birthright, of the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). 40. The Real Questions of Life - is, "who are we", "where are we", and "what is really happening" in our life
This is who we are, and this is where we are, and this is what is happening in our life, in all life, my dearest loving brother, within our very own hearts, not anything that we see as happening "outside" of us, not the endless drama of separation and differences that we see acted out on the state of the 4 religions, and on the state of wife and family and friends and lovers, or in the arena of jobs and accomplishments, or in the idea of a shrinking country, and world, and an expanding universe. May we both reflect on this a little. It is very important. 41. The Only Thing That Changes Is Man - not God and not the Creation of God, everything else, everything but man stays as it was Created by God
And in this process, God has not changed, nor has the circle changed, but what moves around the circle has changed, from the last time it went around the circle.
And what moves around the circle has become more like God, has become more like the oneness that is God, and less like the Creation of God, less like the ignorant separation that is the Creation of God, then less like the arrogant separation that is the fire of God, then less like the ignorant or selfish love that is the air of God, and finally more and more like the oneness of God that is the true love, the selfless love of God, that is the Light of God. 42. The Work of God Is Man - and the work of Man is God, so let God finish His work within you, so True Man can finish His work within God within you
And in this way God moves Himself upward, starting as His Creation, then as Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him), then as Eve (may the blessings of God be upon Her), as the 124,000 Prophets of God which is the Crown of Adam in the first heaven, and then as Muhammad or True Man, and finally as the Oneness of God and True Man.
In this way, God moves Himself as man through His 4 religions 3 times, moving around His unchanging circle 3 times while moving up His changing spiral 3 times, until He has revealed True Man within Himself, and True Man reveals God within Himself, and in this way God reveals Himself within Himself, God returns to Himself, God completes His journey from the Creation of God to God, God again become One with Himself, God again reveals the oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God.
This is the work of God and man, my dearest loving brother, only this, this is the divine work of God and man , nothing else that we may ascribe to God or man in our ignorance of God or man, of what God does and what True Man does, and of how God does it, and how True Man does it. 43. Religion Is What God Does, Not Man - and God is what Man does, not religion
In this way, religion is what God does, not man. Religion is the duty and work of God, of God revealing True Man, of God revealing True Man within His Creation, and God is what man does, is True Man becoming God, of True Man revealing God within True Man, is True Man revealing the Oneness of God within True Man, and disappearing into that Oneness, as a little light disappears into a large light, becoming that Oneness, revealing that Oneness, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, which is God.
This is what God does, the work of the 4 religions repeated three times, the work of True Man happening within the Creation of God, this is the work in process of God, the work that moves forward as True Man happening within the Creation of God, within the Creation of God which in truth is but God having hidden Himself within Himself, so He can then reveal Himself within Himself, for the benefit of all of the Creations of God. 44. Hell Is The Work of Man "Separated From" God - and heaven is the work of Man joined as "one with" God, but man must do this divine work before dies
This is what God does, reveals True Man within His Creation within Him, not build a place where we can live near Him but separate from Him that we call heaven, that we call our private heaven which in death becomes God's public hell.
This is what God does, joins with True Man within Him to reveal God within True Man, not pass judgement on us, not rule over us. This is not what God does.
It is we who build hell, when we live separate from God, not heaven. It is we who build the place were we can live near God but separate from Him, not God, and then move into that place when we die. And that is our judgment, not anything God does to us, and in this way we give birth to the things that rule over us, our evil qualities, and our evil karmic deeds. We do all of this to ourselves, not God.
This is our work separate from God, this is our life in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, that in death becomes the suffering of our grave, and in the hereafter becomes our hell. This is what we do to ourselves if we don't join with God in what He is doing within us. What a bummer this life that we call our own. We must think about this a little, my dearest loving brother. 45. Becoming An Apprentice In God's Blacksmith Shop - is allowing God to transform the Creation of God within you into True Man within you, and becoming a skilled craftsman in God's Work Shop, is transforming the Creation of True Man within you into the Oneness of God and True Man
My dearest loving brother, we must start to learn about the work of God, and join with God in His work, that is the only successful completion to our life in the world.
We must begin to understand what God repeatedly does within the contexts of the 4 religions of God, which are like the water, the fire, the anvil, and the hammer of God, and each time God passes His Creation through the 4 religions, man becoming less of God's creation and God becoming more of True Man, until finally they meet within the Oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God. 46. The Work of The Triple Flame of God Within Us - of God, the Shaikh, and the Disciple within us, is transforming the Sifat or form of Creation within us, into the Sirr or secret world of Creation hidden within the Siffat of Creation within us, and then into the Dhat or secret world of Allah hidden within the Sirr of Creation within us
And in this way, with each journey around the circle of the 4 religions, man moves from the Form of Creation, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the Sifat of God's Creation, to the Secret hidden within God's Creation, which in Islam is the Sirr of God's Creation, ending finally as the Dhat or Essence of God, and in this way revealing True Man within God and God within True man, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, revealing the Power within the Essence of Everything, revealing the Wilayah or Power of God.
It is this Triple Flame of God within us, this - Dhat, Sirr, and Sifat - that is the path of God, for "as it came so it must return", becoming as it returns - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, is the Nur Muhammad within us, the light of our wisdom, the body of our soul, the seed of Iman, the seed of True man, which when they become One is True Man within God and God within True Man, is Allah Muhammad, is the seed of Islam, the seed of God.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. 47. The Sound of God - is the one becoming the three, and the three becoming the one, three times
His Holiness teaches us that this is the sound of God, the sound of the Three becoming the One and the One becoming the Three, three times, transforming the Nur Muhammad, the true consciousness of man as Adam (may the blessings of God be upon Him), before the fall of Adam, as the seed of True Man or True Faith in God, into Allah Muhammad, the consciousness of man as True Man, as the seed of God or Islam, of the Oneness of God and True Man.
What a wonder, my dearest loving brothers, and all this is hidden within each of us, as a mighty oak tree is hidden within a tiny acorn. 48. The Second Proposal - we are at the beginning of the next, the third and final spiral of God, and we are at the end of the last, the second spiral of God
With all of this said, let us propose that the time period of God's circle is 2000 years, is the time it takes for God to move man through the four religions once, and within our frame of reference this circle of God has already occurred twice, once during the time of Abraham (2000 BC to 0 BC), and once during the time of Jesus (0 AD to 2000 AD), it has occurred twice.
It has twice moved through the four religions of God, through the blacksmith's shop, through the earth, the water, the fire, the air, and the ether or colors of God's workshop, through the four ways of being with God - as His Creation, as a life lived separate from Him, as a life striving to become one with Him, and as a life lived as one with Him, it has twice moved through the four main religions of - Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam (and Judiasm).
Further, let us propose that since this circle of the four religions has gone around twice, and has moved upwards twice, and since the work of God is not done, which is reflected in the world that we see, this circle of God moving upward or this spiral of God, is ready to occur again. 49. We Are The Stuff of God's Effort - the result of God's work for 200 million years, the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
And even more importantly for us, what is ready to enter into this blacksmith's shop of God again, to be worked on by God again, to bring it to its final completion this time, which is the Oneness of God and True Man, is us, is you and I my dearest loving brother. What a blessing from God to be born in this age.
We must realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth of our lives, which has nothing to do with the drama of the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, that has only to do with the condition of our hearts.
What we in this age represent is like nothing that has ever appeared on this earth before, is the product of all of the work that God has been doing for almost 200 million years, which is the time it takes to go around the circle of God two times, is the fruits of His labors, which is us, which is all of the Children of God living in this age, in this period of time known as 2000 AD, in this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). What a wonder is this God of ours, and what a wonder are His Children. 50. Our True Heritage, Our True Birthright - is becoming the Children of God for this age
In this way, let us propose that rather than being at the end of what God is doing, as is normally the position taken, we in truth are at the end of what God did, in His last pass at it, having maximally benefited from it, having taken it all into consideration, and having then reflecting what He has done, what He has accomplished in His previous pass at it, in us, in His Children, in the Children of God for this age, which is us.
And as such, we are at the beginning of the next spiral of God, the next circle of God that moves upwards, at God's next and final pass at it, of God finally completing His intention, of God finishing finally what He has started, within each of us, within in each of our hearts, nearly 200 million years ago.
Such is our heritage, my dearest loving brother, such is our birthright, and if we but join with God in this grand endeavor, to but let God finish it off within us, then we will be victorious in our life, we will have used our wisdom to reason over our fate.
But if we don't, if we hesitate for some unknown reason, to join in partnership with God, and make His struggle our struggle, make His intention our intention, make His life our life, because of some attachment that we may have to some external religion, or race, or place, or group, to family, wife, children, mother or father, friends, belief, to country, town, accomplishment, duty, or understanding, to some aspect of the earth, fire, water, air, and ether that our physical body is make out of, if we fail to grasp the brass ring of our life, if we doubt it in any way, if we place our trust in anything other than God, then we are out.
Then our life will be of no more value than the apple seed that fails to germinate, and we will die in our mind and desire, and rot in separations and differences, and be absorbed into hell, which is nothing more and nothing less than, an eternal of our temporary life, of living in the house for eternity that we have build during our temporary stay in the world, breaking forever our direct connection to God, which is our soul, to the story of True Man within God, and the story of God within True Man, that we were placed within God, to join with God, tell. For remember, 3 strikes and you are out.
In this way, we can think of God's 3 Passes, at completing what He Has started within each of us, within His Creation, in the following way:
.........Pass 1......................................Pass 2..................................Pass 3......... 2000 BC - O BC/AD...................... 0 AD - 2000 AD.................2000 AD - 4000 AD ............or.............................................or..........................................or............. Abraham to Jesus........................... Jesus to (?)............................(?) to (?).........
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