Spiritual Letter 9 - Outline & Summary Version About Spiritual Letter 9 Title: "The Theme Is Freedom" Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. M. Stanton Evans, a writer of books Month originally written: During the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan (12, 2001)
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. May all the peace and blessings of God be upon us all. Outline & Summary of Spiritual Letter the first time, "who we truly are", "where we really are", and "what is actually happening" in our life 52. The Need For A New Big Picture - in order to make sense of what has really happened in previous ages, which is not what we have been told, and to join with what is really going on now, in our age, not with false reflections of the past, of past ages 53. The First Question Mark (?) - is the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), who appeared 600 years after the appearance of Jesus (may the blessing of God be upon Him), which in truth is like the appearance of the Prophet Moses (may the blessing of God be upon Him), 1400 years before the appearance of Jesus (may the blessing of God be upon Him), but this time without an attachment to the things of life that grow out of sperm, like desire for children and personal lineage, and the things of life associated with the bones of the body, like rigidity of thought and actions 54. An Example of Living The Lie - is living here rather than trying to leave here, is accepting what we see as existing "outside" of us as defining "who we are", "where we are", and "what is happening" in our life, rather than rejecting all of this as false, and going in search of the true answer to these questions of life - back to top of outline 55. God Is Both The Cause And The Effect of Our Life - as a result, it is God who exists not us, not us as separate from God, and only by our joining in partnership with God within us, "intending as God intends", can God finish what He has started within us 56. How The World Changes - the world only truly changes when the relationship between God and True Man changes, when God moves forward the story of True Man within the story of God, and True Man moves forward the story of God within the story of True Man, when God reveals more of True man within the Creations of God, and True Man reveals more of God within the Creation of True Man 57. The Second Question Mark (?) - is the Qutb of God, is Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), who appeared 1000 years after the appearance of Jesus (may the blessing of God be upon Him), which in truth is like the appearance of the David (may the blessing of God be upon Him), 1000 years before the appearance of Jesus (may the blessing of God be upon Him), but like Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), this time without an attachment to the things of life that grow out of sperm, like desire for children and personal lineage, and the things of life associated with the bones of the body, like rigidity of thought and actions - back to items 55 & 57 - go to top of outline 58. The Third Question Mark (?) - is our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who appeared 2000 years after the appearance of Jesus (may the blessing of God be upon Him), in our age, in the here and now, which in truth is like the appearance of the Jesus (may the blessing of God be upon Him), but this time without an attachment to the things of life that grow out of both sperm and ovum, of both bones and flesh, this time from the lineage of the true first son of Abraham (may the blessing of God be upon Him), which is Iman, or absolute, complete, and unshakeable faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, the complete acceptance of the heart that God is One. 59. The Third Proposal - we are now living in the age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a new age, unlike any age that has come before, the age of the Rahim of God, when God pulls everything that He has created back into Himself, to complete what God is doing, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God, preparing for the final age, when True Man pulls everything that He has created back into Himself, to complete what True Man is doing, which is revealing God within the Creation of True Man, and in this way, God is now ready to do it again, to make a third and final pass at what He is doing, at revealing True Man within the Creation of God
Text of Spiritual Letter 51. Making Sense of All The Question Marks (?)
So what do all the question marks (?) mean? Lets take a quick look at this, and then we will get back to our original question, our question about the "cause of the freedom we now enjoy", or more specifically,
"Why was the time period of 1000 AD to 1400 AD so important that it caused a complete change in the consciousness of man, everywhere, resulting in the birth of the freedom that we now know and enjoy?"
My dearest loving brother, If we don't immediately know what fills at least some of these question marks, it is not surprising, even though we have certainly hinted at it in what has already been said, because most of us have been raised in closed societies, especially in America.
For example, for this child, having been raised in America, it was only through God's grace that my horizons were expanded to include the picture of Islam, and the picture of the mystical explanations of Islam known as Sufism, as a part of my picture of America and of the world, and more importantly, of my picture of God, of man, and of the true relationship between God and man.
You explained this point beautifully in the interview, my dearest loving brothers.
Like you, my horizons were certainly not expanded through anything my parents, teachers, or employers did. In this way, having been born and raised as a Christian, having attended a Catholic grammar school and a Catholic University twice, having been an "alter boy" (one who helps the Catholic priest during the celebration of the Catholic Mass), and received many of the sacraments of the Catholic Church, I know how myopic a Christian society can be, and as long as you stay within it, it works pretty well, as does all of the other religious societies.
But when we start to mix these religious societies - Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Zoroastrian (practiced in what was Persia), Hindu, Buddhist - it gets much more difficult. Such is the fate of the world today. But along with this difficulty comes the opportunity to draw for ourself a new picture, a bigger picture of ourself, of America, and of the world that we live in, as you did my loving brother, and as we all must now do, especially after September 11th. 53. The First Question Mark (?) - is the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him)
Therefore, the first question marks (?) in our time line would be immediately known by anyone who was raised a Muslim in the religion of Islam, for the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), the last of the Prophets of God, and the very Fountainhead of Islam in the last cycle of God.
He was born and lived approximately 600 years after the birth of Jesus (may the blessings of God be upon Him), or 1400 years ago, just as Moses (may the blessings of God be upon Him) was born 600 years after the birth of Abraham (may the blessings of God be upon Him) and 1400 years before the time of Jesus (may the blessings of God be upon Him), in the previous cycle of God, and was the very Fountainhead of Islam in the first cycle of God.
Specifically, Muhammad was born in Mecca which is now Saudi Arabia in 570 AD and died in 632 AD. 54. An Example of Living The Lie
Related to this historical fact, is another example of just how myopic the Christian society of man can be, or any society can be that builds a picture of life independent of what God is truly doing for everyone by completing His intention, by finishing what He started within everyone and everything.
And instead of living with a picture of the truth about God, about what He is doing, and about how He does what He does, live with a picture of life that is only dependent on their own personal or private picture of what they like to think God did for them, as the original people, or as the chosen people, or as the people of love's love, or as the people of the last religion. It is all the same, it is all equally wrong, and causes them to distort the truth, even when they are confronted with evidence of the truth in their life in the world.
For example, in a recent television program in America that I was listening to, a scientist was listing the great mysteries of archeology, and at the top of the list was the following question,
"What happened in the world, around the date of 573 AD that cause a catastrophic and global change in the weather and the very nature of the whole earth, as recorded in tree rings, in soil samples, etc., etc.". 55. God Is Both The Cause And The Effect of Our Life
In this way, we are like the flea living on the back of the dog, it goes where the dog goes, it is never really traveling anywhere through its own effort while it lives on the back of the dog. Like this, God is the mover in our life, He is both the cause and the effect in our life, and in all life, everything else is only a reflection of man's arrogance, karma, and illusion, a reflection of man's heart having closed to God, to the oneness that is God, having came into the world, and then having grown the world within him.
This is the concept of life that we must begin to understand, my dearest loving brother. It is at the very heart of our existence. We are about God, not about us as separate from God, or us as separate from anything that God is one with, which is everything.
"Man appearing on this earth forgets God, and falls into many a trap. He does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man. This "Guru Man" is to explain this concept in detail."
...............................Beginning of Quotation From His Holiness.......................
I seek refuge in Allah from the evils of the accursed satan. In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon you.
My brothers and sisters, let us consider once more the true meaning of Islam. Islam is Allah. It is the kingdom of His qualities, His actions, His compassion, His peacefulness, and His unity.
Allah, not man, is the only One who can rule that kingdom. With His love and compassion He is the One who protects all lives, who feeds and looks after all creations, according to their needs and their hunger.
Allah alone rules over all that is within His realm - the earth, all the countries of the world, the trees, the plants, the houses, and the heart of man.
Our entire life and everything that happens to us is conducted by Allah, not by us. He is the One who carries out everything, He is responsible for the cause and the effect.
Islam is the acceptance of Allah as the Ruler over everything in all of the universes (Rabb al-alamin). He is the Master of our good thoughts, our good qualities, and our good actions. He is the Guide for our conscience, the One who teaches us justice and truth, compassion and unity.
He is the Leader of wisdom and divine knowledge ('ilm). And it is through His peace that all hearts can obtain peace and tranquility.
His is the kingdom of truth. That kingdom cannot be ruled by what the world today calls Islam.
(see the previous quote, that was given at the end of page 1 of this document, for the rest of the Epilogue. Together, as page 141 and page 142, they are the complete text of the Epilogue).
...................................End of Quotation From His Holiness...........................
56. How The World Changes - when God changes, when God moves forward the story of True man within the story of God, when God reveals more of True man within the Creations of God
In this way, my dearest loving brother, all of mankind changed forever at that point in our history, with the coming into the world of Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), just as it changed forever 600 years before with the coming into the world of Jesus (may the blessings of God be upon Him), as God ended His previous cycle, the cycle of Abraham to Jesus, and started His next cycle, the cycle of Jesus to (?).
As God tried again, a second time, with the coming of Jesus and then with the coming of Muhammad into the world (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), to reveal Himself within Himself, to reveal True Man within the Creations of God, so True Man could reveal God within True Man, for the benefit of all of the Creations of God.
In this way, God started a new cycle with the coming of Jesus into the world (may the blessings of God be upon Him), and God also ended the previous cycle of God with the coming of Jesus into the world (may the blessings of God be upon Him).
And then God moved forward what He is doing, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God, by moving what appeared in the world at that time, which we call Jesus (may God be pleased with Him), by moving what appeared in the hearts of all of His Children in that age, which we call the soul of man, through the 4 seasons of God, within this new cycle of God, through - spring, summer, fall, and winter, and in this way, around the circle of the 4 religions of God, the 4 religions of - Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam (and Judiasm).
With all this really occurring within the hearts of all of His Children in that age, with the result or effect of that effort being initially seen in the world, in 600 AD, as the coming into the world of Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), as Moses appeared in the world (may the blessings of God be upon Him) 600 years after the coming of Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac into the world (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets).
And the result or effects of this second cycle of God is seen again in the world, in 1000 AD, as the coming of (?) into the world, and in 2000 AD, as the coming of (?) into the world, as David follow by Jesus (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets) came into the world 400 and 1400 years respectively after Moses (may the blessings of God be upon Him).
So who is Jesus and who is Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), and who are the Wise and Holy Men that have come into the world after Muhammad (may the blessings of God be upon Him), that forever changed the world, as God continues to tell the story of True Man within God, of True Man appearing from within His Creation, and even more importantly in God's design, who are we? 57. The Second Question Mark (?) - is the Qutb of God, is Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him)
In the same way, the next question mark (?) in our time line will be immediately known by anyone who has studied the mystical path of Islam known as Sufism, because the flower of Mysticism, the Gem of the Wisdom of God, was born approximately 1000 years after the time of Jesus (may the blessings of God be upon Him), or 400 years after the time of Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), or 1000 years ago, just as the Prophet David (may the blessings of God be upon Him) was born 1000 years before the time of Jesus and 1000 years after the time of Abraham (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), in the previous cycle of God.
Specifically, this Gem of God's Wisdom or God Consciousness that came into the world at that time is the life and teaching of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), which forever changed the consciousness of man, and produced the "Theme of Freedom" that has become the very life of man in the world today, a freedom that we are enjoying without any real understanding of it, as you pointed out in your interview. 58. The Third Question Mark (?) - is His Holiness, is our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
And finally, anyone who has lived and studied at the feet of His Holiness, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), knows who the last question mark (?) is, knows who came to America in 1971 from Sri Lanka, to teach God's Children about the Oneness of God and man, and who died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1986, having completed His work in the world but just having begun His work in our hearts, and is buried in a suburb of Philadelphia, knows of the wise and holy man who came to and died in the City of Brotherly Love, establish by William Penn, who left the Country of England as a Quaker in pursuit of that same "Theme of freedom" that you speak so beautifully about. 59. The Third Proposal - we are now living in the age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and God is now ready to do it again, to make a third and final pass at what He is doing, at revealing True Man within the Creation of God
So, my dearest loving brother, who is being so very patient with his little brother Louie, we propose that the following time line explains the missing question marks (?), and begins to answer the questions that we have previously asked, "Where did our freedom come from"? And "what happened 1000 years ago that caused the people in England to awaken to a new understanding of man, in which the "Theme of Freedom" is now man's very life?
And finally and most importantly, my dearest loving brother, what is happening today, in our life time? What has God done in our life time, and is getting ready to do in our life time, using us, if we will but let Him?
And in this way, what must we realize, understand, accept, and join with to become part of the solution of God, and stop being part of the problem of man?
Lets start to answer these questions by filling in the Time Line of God with our proposed answers to the missing question marks (?), in the following way:
|........................Cycle 1.................. ..|...........................Cycle 2...........................| 2000 BC -----1400 BC ---1000 BC --- 0 BC/AD --- 600 AD ------1000 AD ----------2000 AD Abraham.......Moses.......David..........Jesus....Muhammad.....Abdul ..........Bawa....... .........................................................................................Qadir......Muhaiyaddeen |...... Pre-True Man ...........|..True Man..|..... Pre-True Man ........|...True Man.............|
Or using the analogy of the four seasons and 4 religions, which repeat themselves at the end of each cycle, we have something like the following:
|........................Cycle 1.................. ..|...........................Cycle 2...........................| 2000 BC -----1400 BC ---1000 BC --- 0 BC/AD --- 600 AD ------1000 AD ----------2000 AD Winter/ Spring .......Summer.......Fall..........Winter/ ....................................................Spring.........Summer.........Fall............Winter/ ..............................................................................................................Spring... Religion 4/ Religion 1...Religion 2...Religion 3...Religion 4 ....................................................Religion 1...Religion 2...Religion 3 ...Religion 4/ .........................................................................................................Religion 1..
Or if we think about it in terms of the cycles of God, about the three passes that God has and is taking to finish what He has started within each of us, which is to reveal God within God, by revealing True Man within the Creations of God, we have the following:
..........Pass 1....................................Pass 2....................................Pass 3........... ....2000 BC - O BC/AD ................0 AD - 2000 AD.....................2000 AD - 4000 AD. .............or............................................or............................................or............. .Abraham to Jesus ..................... Jesus to Bawa.....................Bawa to His Children ............as............................................as...........................................as............... .....The Form of ...........................The Essence of.....................The Power Within..... .....The Creation of God................The Creation of God ..............The Creation of God.. .........(the Sifat)................................(the Dhat).............................(the Wilayah)....
Let us say a few words about each of these 3 Passes of God, each of these attempts by God to move forward His agenda, not our agenda, which is to reveal Himself within Himself, by revealing True Man within His Creation:
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