Spiritual Letter 9 - Table of Contents (TOC) About Spiritual Letter 9 Title: "The Theme Is Freedom", Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Mr. M. Stanton Evans, a writer of books Month written: During the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan, December, 2001 Month: Edited, Expanded, & Sent to Mr. Evans, May & June, 2002
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. May all the peace and blessings of God be upon us all. My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters. Table of Contents for Spiritual Letter
1. Joining God In What He is Doing (Page 1 of 4)
2. ----------------- in process ----------------- (Page 2 of 4) Expanded Version - Page 2
3. ----------------- in process ----------------- (Page 3 of 4) Expanded Version - Page 3
4. ----------------- in process ----------------- (Page 4 of 4) Expanded Version - Page 4
End of Table of Contents ..........................................
Wisdom Points For Spiritual Letter
Outline of Wisdom Points
1. Wisdom Points for Page 1 a. The Nature of Life b. The Nature of Religions
Text of Wisdom Points 1. Wisdom Points for Page 1:
a. The Nature of Life: Life Is The Victory of Wisdom Reasoning Over Fate.
b. The Natrue of Religion: The Four Seasons of God are the four main Religions of Man: Hinduism, Fire Worship or Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam (and Judiasm), or more correctly, the Four Steps or Stages or Paths of Spiritual Development that one must go through to become a True Man within the Creation of God.
In the religion of Islam these four steps are referred to as Shari'at, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Ma'rifat, and in the religion of Hinduism as Sharia, Kiriya, Yogam, and Gnanam, and are in truth contained within each of the four religions, as how the similar spiritual goals proposed by each of the four religion are realized, the four steps or stages or paths of Spiritual Awakening that the four religions should all point us toward.
But unfortunately, this view of each of the religions as containing four steps, or stages, or paths to the Spiritual Awakening of man to the One God within all of us, has been lost over the ages for the easier road of "Group Identification", of claiming that one group or one of the four religions is better or superior to other groups, betting in this way on "Group Salvation" rather than on "Individual Salvation" to get the rewards of God.
But this is a bad idea and will only lead one to hell, to an eternal life of "separation from" God, for the word Religion means "path", not "one group separate from another group", as has become the case today, and "separation from" is the stuff of hell.
In this way God, through these four paths, incrementally reveals True Man within the Creation of God, which in truth is within us, not "outside" of us, as we mistakenly believe it to be, first as iman, or absolute faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, then as wisdom which is man's direct connection to God within us, and to the Creation of God within us, then as wisdom withn wisdom, which is God's direct connection to all of His Creation, including man, and finally as the Oneness of God and True Man, as True Man within the Creation of God within us.
This represents one Cycle of God through His Creation and takes 1000 years. It takes God 3 Cycles of God through His Creation to finish revealing True Man within His Creation. God has now completed two of these three Cycles and is now, in our age, ready to start and finish the third and last Cycle, revealing True Man within God within the wisdom within us.
c. The Three Cycles of Man are the three aspects of the Triple Flame of God, of a True Human Being, the dhat, the sirr, and the sifat, that reveal the nature of God's duty, the duty of God known as Bismillahir-Rahmanir- Rahim - the Creator, the Ruler, and The Sustainer. The sifat is the form of the Creation of God, the sirr is the Secret hidden by God within the sifat or form of His Creation, and the dhat is the Essence of God's grace hidden with the sirr or secret of His Creation. In this way, True Man incrementally reveals God within the Creation of True Man, which is the Kingdom of God within the wisdom within us, first as the Creator, then as the Ruler, and finally as the Redeemer of the Creation of True Man.
Each Cycle of Man takes 1000 years, and man has completed 2 of these three Cycles, with the second Cycle of Man just finishing in the beginning of our age, making way for God to start and finish His last Cycle in revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us. The last Cycle of Man, of Man revealing God within the Creation of Man within us, will begin when God completes His last Cycle, in the year 3000 AD.
So our work in this age, is to join in partnership with God within us, to finish the last Cycle of God within us, to finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us.
d. Said another way, the Four Paths within the Creation of God are Birth, Death, Life, and Oneness or Unity with God.
e. And the Four Flaws within the Four paths, that block us from completing the Spiritual Path that we are currently walking, and realizing our true birth, our true death, our true life, and our true Oneness with God, are Karma, Arrogance, Ignorance, and Duality. May we all reflect on these wisdom points a little. It is very important. 2. Wisdom Points For Page 2
a. b. c. d. 3. Wisdom Points for Page 3
a. b. c. d. 4. Wisdom Points For Page 4
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